Sunday, February 14, 2010

An update, an apology, and a promise

It's a pretty good thing that I haven't really told anyone about this blog yet, so hopefully no one has been waiting for me to update for the past six months and been disappointed. But hopefully all that will change soon.

My computer died soon after that last entry and I was mostly computerless for several months, which was terrible in so many ways. I got a new laptop over Christmas break, so all is well again and I should be able to update more often. I really want to make updating a priority, so I'm going to do everything in my power to update this thing two or three times a week. After I've done that for a month or so hopefully I can decide if it needs to be updated more or less often. Also, by then I should have a better idea of who is actually reading my blog and hopefully I will be able to tell what kind of entries you all most want to read about. So if you have found your way here and enjoy an entry or two, please leave a comment!

So what has happened in the past six months? Well, a lot of little things that will probably get brought up here and there. The biggest news is that I have yet again recontracted, and so will be here in Japan for another year and a half. This is the last time I can recontract (you can technically go up to 5 years, but my Board of Education only allows 3) so next year I will likely be coming home (although there is a chance that I could just hang out here and be Eric's housewife for a year. We're still discussing things).

I'm still playing with the format of this thing too. I've changed some things around, and I like it better than the old version (that no one else saw...), but don't be surprised if things get changed around again. I'm still learning about this whole blogging thing, but hopefully things will go smoothly and I will pretend to know what I'm doing and you will all humor me.


  1. Hey Amanda it's cool that you started this blog! I'm sure Japan has been awesome, can't wait to read about your adventures.

  2. I'm here too! Can't wait for some good stories!

