Friday, June 17, 2011

Photo Friday: The Mystery Painter

I noticed that all of my schools had really nice paintings.  Then I noticed they were all by the same person.  I have no idea who he is, or why he painted these wonderful pictures for the schools of Goshoura, but I wanted to share them with you.  All the schools have paintings of the school building as it was, I suppose, when the paintings were made.  The junior high schools also have landscape pictures. Click to make them bigger!

Goshoura Junior High

 Goshoura Elementary

Goshoura Kita Junior High

Goshoura Kita Elementary

1 comment:

  1. I did a google search for the name, just out of curiosity. The only person I could find were a graduate student (or at least a person associated with a graduate school) at Toyo University whose papers deal largely with architecture. Not sure that that's your guy, but it would make sense that an architect would also be a good artist.
